New Home, New Work, New Life

Living Room: center of positive change and KLH Coaching Studio have moved to a new home, constructed a whole new atmosphere in which to work, restore and be creative. We   have also infused new life into the work we do for individuals, professionals and organizations.

In partnership with Excelerate Essex, we provide a co working and collaborative environment for everything from Arts and Industry to Wellness. We consult for business development, and are positioned to bring positive change, creativity and innovation into the workplace and to the community at large.

Our beautiful house is home to many enterprising businesses, provides a gorgeous event/meeting space in the Living Room Gallery, offers wellness opportunities for co working members and the general community, and is a resource for business development and economic growth to the Essex community and its surrounding communities.

We are proud of our work, of our partnerships and of the opportunities we present for the growth in business and culture.




LOVE in the time of technology

This last weekend we were so excited to host Boriana Zaneva. She has a gorgeous show hanging in the LR Gallery entitled LOVE in the time of technology. Our opening reception was full of life, joy and laughter not to mention beauty. Many new relationship we started, friendships blossomed and we all had a great time.


If you didn’t get a chance to stop by on saturday please come by this month to see this beautiful work, and to consider what would happen if you spent 5% more time on love than technology.

See you soon!


Specific, Succinct and Generous

It’s all right here. It’s not fancy but it gets us where we need to be.

We’ve added a Who are we? page, Calendar page and an eNewsletter page. We hope you will bookmark us, subscribe to our newsletter and visit often to find out what is going on at the Living Room.

And you can even keep up with our Facebook posts without being on fb……

We hope you find everything you need… and if not let us know and we will see what we can do!

A website.

Everything happens as it needs to, and is as simple as it needs to be as we get started.

Pretty soon you will be able to find all of our offerings through the and right here.  We are working to bring you some really interesting classes, events and workshops!

Stay tuned
